Wilson Centre Clinic: (604) 942-4115 

Hyde Creek Rec Centre Clinic: (604) 945-6644 

Connect Therapy

The evolution of total body assessment and treatment frameworks
 to understand and treat the whole person.

Treating the whole body for long lasting change

ConnectTherapy is a framework of total body assessment and treatment that considers the whole person. It recognizes that all the regions and systems in our bodies are connected; our minds and bodies are connected. 
ConnectTherapy has its origins from the Thoracic Ring Approach (LJ Lee) and the Integrated Systems Model (LJ Lee and Diane Lee).

In a ConnectTherapy assessment, after taking a detailed history, we assess the whole body to determine the drivers (causes) of your pain. For example, even though your neck may be hurting, we will assess how your cranium, neck, shoulders, back, ribs, pelvis, hips, knees and feet move during your aggravating movements. We then use a logical clinical reasoning process to determine your Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary drivers. Once these have been determined, we will begin treatment on the drivers (cause of your pain) with the goal of making your movement more efficient, taking away barriers to movement, and obtaining and maintaining multiple optimal movement strategies. In doing so your pain will be eased. You will also learn techniques and exercises that allow you to treat yourself, and ease your pain when YOU need to. This gives you control over your pain instead of it controlling you. 

 You will be amazed to find your headaches disappear by treatment to your thoracic rings (ribs), or your back pain eliminated by treatment to your foot. Everything in our bodies are indeed connected.  

Connie Keen provides ConnectTherapy treatment at our Wilson Centre Clinic.
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